Peony Care

Peonies will last very well as cut flowers in a vase with a little care and maintenance.  Peony plants will last for decades in the garden blooming more and more every season. We have put together some helpful care tips on how to get the best out of your Love Peonies.

Cut Flower Peony Care

Once your peonies arrive, remove them from the packaging straight away. It is best with cut flower peonies and indeed all cut flowers to always trim the stems before placing them in a vase or display, this helps them to draw up the water and nutrients they need to look their best for as long as possible. We suggest doing this at a 45 degree angle to give the stem maximum surface area.

Remove any excess leaves off the peony stems. The leaves also draw water and nutrients so it is best to remove the ones you don’t feel enhance your arrangement. The leaves can also make the water go murky faster so it is best to only have stems within the water of the vase.

We would recommend adding flower food to the vase or as an alternative you can add a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of bleach. Change the vase water every 2 – 3 days this will extend the life of your peonies and make sure they look their best for as long as possible.

Do not place your fresh flowers in direct sunlight, next to radiators or near ripening fruit, these can cause your peonies to go over much faster.


Peony Plant Care

When your plant arrives, open the box and remove your new peony plant. Peonies and indeed all plants need light to survive, take your peony plant out and unwrap from all packaging. Give your peony a little drink of water. It is best to plant your peony in the ground or your chosen container as soon as possible once arrived. Please note all plants left in the box after delivery cannot be returned or replaced.

What to do once you are ready to plant your peony? Our top 5 tips below.

1.Plant in a sunny or part-shaded sheltered position in any free-draining soil.
2. Don’t plant your herbaceous or intersectional peony too deep – ensure the crown is no more than 25mm to 50mm below the surface.
3. Feed your peony once a year in the Spring, Summer or Autumn.
4. Cut back herbaceous and intersectional peonies in the Autumn once the leaves have turned brown; remember Tree peonies respond well to pruning to keep them under control.
5. Water your peony consistently while buds are forming in the Spring but take care not to over water as peonies don’t like having wet ‘feet’ or roots.


Head nurseryman and owner of Primrose Hall Peonies, Alec White, has demonstrated how to plant peonies in the ground as well as containers. You can see these videos for further helpful information on how to grow peonies successfully.